4 Wheel Thunder - (DC) SEGA Dreamcast [Pre-Owned] Video Games Midway
4 Wheel Thunder - (DC) SEGA Dreamcast [Pre-Owned] Video Games Midway
4 Wheel Thunder - (DC) SEGA Dreamcast [Pre-Owned] Video Games Midway
4 Wheel Thunder - (DC) SEGA Dreamcast [Pre-Owned] Video Games Midway
4 Wheel Thunder - (DC) SEGA Dreamcast [Pre-Owned] Video Games Midway

4 Wheel Thunder - (DC) SEGA Dreamcast [Pre-Owned]

$29.99 USD

Midway's Thunder Series continues with a four-wheel frenzy! Choose from one of four classes of rugged off-road vehicles and watch the dirt fly by at a blistering 60 frames per second! 4 Wheel Thunder is the premier all-terrain racing game for the Sega Dreamcast!

Product Details

Name: 4 Wheel Thunder
Platform: Dreamcast
Publisher: Midway
Official Release Date: 05/04/00
Number of Players: 1-4 Players
Online Multiplayer: N/A

Game Data

Genre: Racing > Arcade > Automobile
Country: USA
Product ID: T-9708N
Product Barcode: 031719209903

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