Madagascar Based on the highly anticipated animated feature film from DreamWorks, Madagascar is the only game that lets players enter the world of four hilarious Central Park Zoo animals-a personality-packed crew made up of a lion, zebra, giraffe and hippo. Players must master each animal's natural skills while adventuring through the exciting city of New York and the dangerous island of Madagascar, interacting with other animals and tackling obstacles and enemies in scenarios from the movie and beyond. Shrek 2 Shrek 2 takes players on a crazy adventure with Shrek and his buddies. Gamers revisit scenes from the movie sequel while discovering all-new locations and characters. Shrek 2 for the Game Boy Advance combines puzzle elements with traditional action-platform gameplay and allows players to build up a team of three characters and use each one's ability to get through tasks, solve puzzles and fight monsters.
Product Details
Name: 2-In-1 Fun Pack: Madagascar + Shrek 2
Platform: Game Boy Advance
Publisher: Activision
Official Release Date: 08/01/06
Number of Players: N/A
Online Multiplayer: N/A
Game Data
Genre: Miscellaneous > Compilation
Country: USA
Product Barcode: 785138320366