2 Games in 1 Double Pack: SpongeBob SquarePants / Fairly OddParents - (GBA) Game Boy Advance [Pre-Owned] Video Games THQ
2 Games in 1 Double Pack: SpongeBob SquarePants / Fairly OddParents - (GBA) Game Boy Advance [Pre-Owned] Video Games THQ
2 Games in 1 Double Pack: SpongeBob SquarePants / Fairly OddParents - (GBA) Game Boy Advance [Pre-Owned] Video Games THQ

2 Games in 1 Double Pack: SpongeBob SquarePants / Fairly OddParents - (GBA) Game Boy Advance [Pre-Owned]

$19.99 USD

With the Spongebob Squarepants / Fairly Odd Parents double pack, you can embark on a variety of adventures in your favorite cartoons. SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom takes you on an underwater adventure through mountains, off cliffs, and inside "cruise bubbles." In Fairly Odd Parents: Breakin' The Rules, you'll enter a comic book world to battle evil viruses, avoid boy-eating plants, and rescue your Fairy GodParents.

Product Details

Name: 2 Games in 1 Double Pack: SpongeBob SquarePants / Fairly OddParents
Platform: Game Boy Advance
Publisher: THQ
Official Release Date: 06/01/05
Number of Players: N/A
Online Multiplayer: N/A

Game Data

Genre: Miscellaneous > Compilation
Country: USA
Product ID: AGB-BX6E-USA
Product Barcode: 785138321929

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